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who is faced with

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 9:54 am
by hasnasadia
a shop assistant who knows the products on sale and can advise you Let's take the example of your online store page dedicated to selling beach tennis rackets. A customer a few dozen products might be undecided about which one to buy. To help him, you could match different attributes to the products. By using filters, the customer has the possibility to narrow down the selection and find himself faced with a limited number of products but in line with his characteristics. Think about how comfortable your customer might feel if they could filter the racket by: brand (MBT, Quicksand, Rakkettone, Top Ring, Vision, …) Model release year price range level of play (beginner, intermediate, advanced, …) length (in cm) thickness (in mm) balance (high for more power, low for better control, or medium) flexibility (elastic, rigid, medium) If you do not demonstrate that you know the product you are dealing with, you will hardly be able to gain the trust of a new potential customer who, at that point, might rightly think of buying the racket where it costs less.

A slow site that takes more than 6 seconds to open phone numbers in the philippines a page will lose you twice as many customers as a fast site. a slow website causes you to lose customers It's a case of saying: never like in e-commerce is time money! To give you an idea of ​​how true this sentence is, I refer you to the article on the Think with Google blog where you can find out how much the loading speed of a page affects its bounce rate . In other words, this means that if your website is slow, potential customers interested in your products may abandon it because it takes too long to load.


Luckily for you, there are various techniques to speed up your online store. If, for example, your e-commerce was created with the WooCommerce platform , here you can find useful tips to speed up your site . There is no point in talking about marketing your clothing store if you don’t address these technical shortcomings first. There are emotions that cannot be experienced online, such as that of entering a store emotion of entering a shop Communicating the arrival of a new product line in the store can be really simple. In 'traditional' e-commerce, however, the only solution is to upload each individual product (and its relative sheet).