Together but not mixed

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Together but not mixed

Post by masud.ibne8800 »

We strive for better readability and shorter paragraphs help us improve it, even though it is sometimes a forced technique.

Another common mistake is to put the exclamation and question marks only at the end, which is correct in English but not in the language of Cervantes.

Let's take advantage of the richness that Spanish gives us to use these signs to open and close the sentence we want to highlight.

Just as a long paragraph can be seen as unattractive to the person reading it, in the same way, the lack of structure and the absence of breaks between paragraphs can influence (negatively) and make our recipient stop reading.

As I already told you in point 1 of the hierarchies, whatsapp canada structuring a text as much as possible helps the reader not to lose the thread and move from one paragraph to another perfectly placed.Guiding the reader to intuitively distinguish the importance of what they are reading is one of the fundamental tasks of every content editor.


We talked about titles earlier, but these are not the only way to break up the reading in a natural way. We have other resources for editing and laying out digital content, such as the following:

Editing digital content - Using highlighted messages
Using all of them to lighten the paragraphs and allow the recipient a better and more relaxed reading is highly recommended.
Long live bold and italics!
Here we again encounter a problem that can occur due to excess or defect.

On this occasion, I am referring to the lack or indiscriminate use of bold and italics.

Bold type helps us highlight concepts or ideas, and italics help the reader detect a change in “tone.”

But using both without a criterion can achieve the opposite effect to the desired one, which is that the reader becomes accustomed to them and begins to suffer from content blindness with all that this entails.

The solution lies in moderation and in knowing how to ration the use of bold and italics for cases where their use is truly justified.
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