Every day we can find more companies, civil society organizations and philippine pie telegram public entities committed to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Given the economic, environmental and social challenges facing our country and the world, each of those who have joined and committed to these goals has had to analyze how to contribute from their space, influence and resources to the eradication of poverty, care for the environment and improvement in the quality of life of people.

Foundations and corporations have an essential role in achieving the SDGs. We share with you three ways to contribute that you can apply in your organization:
1. Generating opportunities
As civil society, we can reduce barriers and inequalities by generating opportunities for the people and communities in which we work. This directly contributes to the fulfillment of SDG 10 (reduce inequality within and between countries). Whether you create training opportunities for people who usually do not have access, create a competitive fund so that neighborhood associations can realize their dreams, bring digitalization to people who have had access barriers, or create inclusion programs, with each of these you are helping to ensure that no one is left behind in this change towards a better society.
Identify who your organization is helping in this area and share it with others!
2. Transforming realities with our programs
By developing social programs, we are able to translate the SDGs and their goals into concrete actions . Depending on the theme and beneficiaries of our social programs, we can identify that we transform realities in diverse contexts and thus contribute to various SDGs. If your programs aim to provide food, you are contributing to SDG 2 (Zero Hunger); if you develop female empowerment programs, you are contributing to SDG 5 (Gender Equality); or if you generate actions for environmental care, you directly contribute to SDG 13 (Climate Action).
Analyze the topics in which your organization is present, evaluate the changes and transformations it generates, and communicate this contribution. To achieve this, it is important that you define which indicators will be measured in your programs and how these show the contribution to achieving the SDGs. We suggest that you not only settle for communicating how many people you reach with your programs, but rather aim to measure and show indicators that show results or impact.
3. Linking diverse worlds
From territorial experience, knowledge of the problems and networks generated by civil society organizations with diverse worlds, there is enormous potential for linkages to create opportunities to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. SDG 17 on Partnerships to achieve the goals encourages valuing the power of building effective links and alliances, from “the public, public-private and civil society spheres, taking advantage of the experience and resource-gathering strategies of the alliances.”
Take advantage of existing networks in the territories. From your organization, you can connect with the municipality, community organizations such as neighborhood councils, companies, government entities, or other organizations within civil society.
We invite you to analyze these points, reflect on how to incorporate them into your organization's strategy and continue working focused on building a better society and world.