Margin: 80 vh (top and bottom)

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Margin: 80 vh (top and bottom)

Post by siam00 »

Padding: 0px (top and bottom)

Design a background gradient for this section
We can now add a custom background gradient to this section.

To add the first gradient stop, make sure Section Settings is turned on under the Content tab . Then select the tab Background Gradient and click to add a new gradient. This will add two default gradient colors. Add the following gradient stops with their colors and positions as shown below:

Gradient stop:
0%: #4158d0
50%: #c850c0
100%: #ffcc70
Then change the direction telephone number identifier philippines of the linea


Add a row to a section
Now that our section is in place, add a single column row to the section. This row will be used for our background mask and pattern scrolling animation.

Next, duplicate the row you just created. The second row (the duplicate) will be used for our content as usual.

You should now have a top row for the background scroll animation and one for the content normally.

Customized Line
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