Here is an example:
Add signature box
That's it!
Our sample HIPAA form only includes the basics, but you can definitely italy phone number add additional fields to meet your needs. Feel free to use the text fields and other available options.
After you create a HIPAA-compliant WordPress form, you may want to add personal touches. You can do this by going to the Styles tab and customizing it.
This tab contains options for adjusting the mod's theme. Click the "Create Topic" button to open customization options.
Create custom looks in HIPAAtizer
Options should now appear to change the form's screen size, background color, fonts, submit button, etc.
For example, if you expand the Background menu, you'll see a color picker that allows you to change the form's default background color. Then, in the Fonts section, you'll find font combination options for your HIPAA forms.
Set font styles in HIPAAtizer
Under "Submit Button" you'll find more comprehensive styling options. You can change the submit button font size, border style, hover color, and more.
The same goes for "label" settings.
When you've finished customizing your form, click the "Save Changes" button.
Save changes in HIPAAtizer
A small notification message should appear saying "Update successful."