the goal of the product marketing team has to be to get executives

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the goal of the product marketing team has to be to get executives

Post by Jahangir655 »

Yes, you really have to. I think that what has happened to me when we initially started working on Service Hub is that I went into a big executive review with a really slick narrative that I felt really, really good about, that had strong research and strong positioning. And we pitched it to Halligan and the rest of our team, and Brian said, "Hey, this is great. But here's what I want you to do.

I want you to look and I want you to find a change in the world. I want you to understand how people should react to it. And then I want you to show how our tools help people do that. It's four slides, and I need you to build it into this format". And that was, of course, frustrating because we've done all this work, but it's where you have to start.

A lot of, I think, the goal of the product marketing team has to brazil telegram number be to get executives and your entire company really aligned and bought into the same message and that can only come when you have the leader of your company or the leader of your marketing, really bought into this and taking ownership over it. So that was a very enlightening thing for me.

And I think a very important thing. So I would just encourage teams, you have to start at the top and you have to pitch this process to people, you have to pitch the process to your founders, or your marketing leader, and say, "Hey, this is what I would like to do. This is what it's going to look like, let's talk about the process".

Maybe you make it your own, you don't have to 100% look at the current process, as Andy Raskin talks about it, or as I talked about, or how Brian Halligan talked about it, you can make it your own, it should have the same components. But once you've done that, then you can start to build a narrative, don't build a narrative and take it and pitch it. Usually just because that won't work because the executive team won't have ownership over it. So that's what I really learned on that topic.
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