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After all, you are trying to shape how that ideal client sees your brand

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2025 10:58 am
by sumona
To do this you’ll want to have some clear personas defined for your ideal client and then think about what sort of messaging is most likely to resonate with them. Focus on the values and characteristics that you are in alignment with, to point #3 above, and make sure to stay consistent with your messaging as it will take multiple impressions for it to stick in their memory.

If you have more than one persona you are targeting make sure your brand covers them canadian hospitals email list all as best as you can. Do not start adding more archetypes into your brand to make them all fit together, or you will create a confused brand (see #2 above). 5. Save Time and Money At the end of the day, everything comes down to either time and/or money for any brand owner, and guess what, archetypes help here too.

Here are just a few ways: You’ll spend far less time thinking about what to say and how to say it and instead focus that time and energy on the important action item instead. Working with other vendors who act on behalf of your brand will be more efficient, with higher quality outcomes, when you have a clear brand you can convey to them. Training new team members and acclimating them to your brand becomes a breeze too.