They don’t even tell you how much those leads cost. Vanity lead generation metrics tell you about output and investment, not real, revenue-driving results. Instead, we argue that lead generation should be measured using qualified lead volume as the top-down KPI — because growing the number of qualified leads that your efforts create is the most immediate result of effective lead generation as well as marketing strategy and tactics.
of what lead generation efforts, by themselves, can contribute to that ultimate bottom line: revenue. If you’re bringing in more companies that stand up to a minimum level of lead qualification, then your lead generation estonia business email database efforts have the potential to impact revenue. Pro-tip: To make things easier, use a platform like Databox to create a marketing reporting guide. The Lead Qualification Piece The lead qualification piece is important here.
After all, you can always grow lead volume by lowering the bar for what qualifies as a lead. That’s lead volume growth — but it isn’t a great measure of how effective your efforts are. So what exactly do we mean by qualified lead volume? Largely, that’s up to you, your team, and the other teams that you work with to determine. You could measure marketing qualified leads (MQLs) or sales qualified leads (SQLs), or any other lead classification that makes sense for you business.