CRM 2.0 within E-Health Systems: Towards Achieving Health Literacy & Customer Satisfaction.
The term e-health is an emerging field at the intersection of healthcare, Information Communication Technology, and business process, referring to health services and information delivered or enhanced through the Internet and related technologies.
Keywords: Healthcare: CRM 2.0 within E-Health, CRM 2.0; HIS; Social CRM; EHR, Customer Satisfaction; Healthcare Organisation, Aged Care, NDIS
In a broader sense, the term characterises not only estonia phone code a technical development, but also a state-of-mind, a way of thinking, an attitude, and a commitment for networked, global thinking, to improve health care locally, regionally, and worldwide by using information and communication technology. Defining e-health as an application of Internet and other related technologies in the healthcare industry to improve access, efficiency, effectiveness, and quality of clinical and business processes utilised by healthcare organisations, practitioners, patients, and consumers in an effort to improve the health status of patients. E-health can provide patient with opportunities to interact with their healthcare systems online and can provide new forms of patient-physician interaction.
The most interesting aspects in e-health is how to manage the relationship between healthcare providers and patients or clients. As in nature, fostering relationship leads to maintain loyal customer, greater mutual understanding, trust, patient satisfaction, and patient involvement in decision making. Furthermore, effective communication is often associated with improved physical health, more effective chronic disease management, and better health-related quality of life. On the other hand, failure in managing the relationship will affect the patient dissatisfaction, distrust towards systems, and jeopardise business survivability in the future.