What should your social profile include on each platform?

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What should your social profile include on each platform?

Post by Irfanabdulla1111 »

Let's now look at what you need to include to create a brilliant bio on your profile for the major social networks.

Your social profile on Instagram
Instagram is the most visual platform and the one that has been gaining ground the most in recent months.

If you know how Instagram works, you'll know that you have a 150-character bio space.

Your brand must have created an Instagram business profile .

Although it may seem unbelievable, there are still some brands with personal Instagram profiles, missing out on the advantages that a professional profile offers on this network.

Every element of your Instagram bio needs to be completed and optimized to get the most out of the small space on your profile.

Bios for social media profiles - Instagram elements
On Instagram you must pay close attention to aesthetics, use hashtags relevant to your brand and emojis to communicate or express something in a fun way.

Show users why they should follow your brand by highlighting your personality and prompting your audience to take action (in the CTA).

Your social profile on Twitter
As a business owner, the primary use of Twitter is to grow your online community and direct them to a website or as a customer service channel.

Your profile for this social network consists of:
Your name, which is your identifier and can be up to 15 characters long.
Your social media name that helps people find your brand easily.
Your header photo that visually represents your business or you can also use it to highlight promotions, events or any news that you want to highlight about your business.
In the example, Aula CM uses the header of its Twitter profile to highlight the email database south africa star product of its training, the master's degree in digital marketing.

In addition to your bio, your profile photo will also be displayed on every tweet you post.

For your Twitter bio, you have 160 characters to attract and captivate your audience.

Your pinned Tweet is the first Tweet people will always see when they visit your profile.

You can use this tweet to post your latest blog post or to promote an event you have organized.

If your employees have a Twitter account and use it for professional purposes, it is best to include the @yourcompany profile in their bio.

Your social profile on Facebook
On Facebook you have two areas to put your company description: a longer one and a shorter one with a limit of 155 characters.

In the short bio of your Facebook profile, take the opportunity to include what makes you different from your competition.

In the longer description space, you can go into more detail about your business by adding relevant keywords that your audience can relate to.

Also, in the long description it is important that you add links to the rest of your social profiles.
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