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Flexibility with a growth mindset

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 6:39 am
by robiulhasan
rwise. Explore what it can do for businesses and employees. You could even use ChatGPT to get the conversation started!
Use AI tools - We already mentioned ChatGPT but there’s a wide array of AI tools for many purposes. For example, Google Trends helps businesses see what customers are interested in while Rival IQ helps monitor and track competitors.
Practice prompts - Prompts are a key part of AI, particularly ChatGPT. The better the prompt, the better the answer. Get your students to practice prompts so they can refine them and know the level of detail required depending on the question. Here’s a great ChatGPT walkthrough to see what you can do.
Use case studies - Look at what brands are using AI effectively and for what purposes. For example, Starbucks uses voice search for customer service or Netflix’s recommendation engine.
" 63% of employers are more likely to hire someone with an AI certific cellphone number format philippines ation on their CV. That’s why, 100% of universities we surveyed have considered implementing AI-related courses or programs in their curriculum "
- DMI survey
The skills companies need and the way people work is constantly changing. This means that employers want employees who are flexible and can adapt to the shifting sands in a workplace with an appetite for learning and growth.

For students, the ability to swiftly adapt to emerging trends, technological advancements, and unpredictable market conditions is essential. It also helps nurture curiosity and creativity allowing them to think and react differently.

Here’s an example of a fixed vs. a growth mindset: