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Property sales: are rising prices a sign of a buoyant market?

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 5:55 am
by bitheerani319
In July 2022, an increase in property sales prices was identified. The survey was carried out by the FipeZap+ index , which recorded an increase of 0.52%. This result is higher than that of official inflation indexes, such as the IGP-M from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation – FGV (0.21%) and the IPCA-15 from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics – IBGE (0.13%).

The FGV and IBGE indexes are commonly used for real estate transactions throughout Brazil, whether to define the sale price of properties or to establish adjustments in rental contracts. Could it be said, therefore, that the increase in property sale prices is a sign that the real estate market is booming?

In today’s article, we’ll understand this market movement buy smart number analyze what indicates that a sector is booming. Come with us!

What makes property prices go up? close up of a woman's hands holding a miniature wooden house
Real estate represents a significant portion of most people's wealth, and this is especially true for many homeowners in Brazil and around the world.

In the United States, for example, according to the Federal Reserve 's Survey of Consumer Finances , 64.9% of American households owned their own home in 2019. In Brazil, things are no different. According to the QuintoAndar Housing Census , conducted in partnership with Datafolha, 70% of Brazilians live in their own property.

The size and scale of the real estate market make it an attractive and lucrative sector for many investors. Therefore, and to answer the title of this article, it is important to understand some of the key factors that affect the sector and the variety of investments available.