Another major benefit of
Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 4:49 am
This is particularly aimed at first time and returning visitors as well as price-sensitive shoppers. This strategy keeps the customers on the site, increases the likelihood of a purchase due to the newly added value and as a result improves the conversion rate. Barilliance has found that this strategy induces an average of 10% conversion rate, though some companies have seen conversion rates as high as 100%.
using exit intent pop ups is to acquire the shoppers’ details, in particular their email addresses. It is crucial to have customers’ emails in cases they do leave the site so we can remarket to them an cell phone number database d increase cart recoveries.
If the customers are anonymous (no details have been provided) when abandoning the site, you cannot reach out to them to attract them back to the site. In such cases, the company is losing potential revenue as returning visitors are very valuable, being responsible for 41% of the store’s overall revenue. Therefore, you can use exit intent pop ups to capture their email address by exchanging them with something of value to the customer. For more information about how to capture emails besides using exit intent pop ups see this Barilliance ebook.
What values can you offer?
There are numerous types of values you can use in the exit intent overlays. Some are mainly for the purpose of encouraging customers to make a purchase now, while others are mainly for capturing email addresses for retargeting, remarketing and cart recoveries.
Most pop ups achieve both goals, but the focus and primary goal may differ depending on the company’s strategy, the type of customer, etc.
The various types of values used in the exit intent overlays are categorized by the main goal to be achieved.
using exit intent pop ups is to acquire the shoppers’ details, in particular their email addresses. It is crucial to have customers’ emails in cases they do leave the site so we can remarket to them an cell phone number database d increase cart recoveries.
If the customers are anonymous (no details have been provided) when abandoning the site, you cannot reach out to them to attract them back to the site. In such cases, the company is losing potential revenue as returning visitors are very valuable, being responsible for 41% of the store’s overall revenue. Therefore, you can use exit intent pop ups to capture their email address by exchanging them with something of value to the customer. For more information about how to capture emails besides using exit intent pop ups see this Barilliance ebook.
What values can you offer?
There are numerous types of values you can use in the exit intent overlays. Some are mainly for the purpose of encouraging customers to make a purchase now, while others are mainly for capturing email addresses for retargeting, remarketing and cart recoveries.
Most pop ups achieve both goals, but the focus and primary goal may differ depending on the company’s strategy, the type of customer, etc.
The various types of values used in the exit intent overlays are categorized by the main goal to be achieved.