Think about Form and Substance

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Think about Form and Substance

Post by roseline371277 »

Everyone shares a good story
If you want people to replicate and share information associated with your brand or company, you must use storytelling .

Who doesn't like to share a good story? Today, with the existence of the Internet and social networks, this phenomenon is even more common.

The chances of reaching a wider audience and attracting new followers increases when we create stories to communicate.  

If you have any doubts, just look at the examples of the most successful campaigns or commercials of the year, you will see that they all have in common the narration of a story that appeals to human situations rather than to the attributes of a product .


How to do Storytelling

Know your audience
We know that to use storytelling we must work with emotions, but if we know our audience we will know specifically what will be the best way to reach them and through which emotion.

The best way to convey your message may be through humor or perhaps fantasy, depending on your audience and their characteristics.

You need to find common ground between them and your brand personality to know how to connect. Your story needs to have a reason for being, remember that it's not about telling stories for the sake of telling them. That brings us to the mexico number for whatsapp next point.


We must insist: it is not about inventing and telling a story, or at least it is not just about that.

To use storytelling you must have something to tell and defining this can take a good (and necessary) time.

You can't just be guided by the way you tell your story. Of course, there will come a time to define formats and ways to communicate it, but it will be of no use if your story doesn't have a valuable message that connects.

The same thing happens in the opposite case: your message may be good but if the way in which you intend to spread it is not the most appropriate, the storytelling will fail.


Remember that your message should trigger some emotion in your audience and include your brand values. You want to be associated with a positive message, so think carefully about your company's personality and what makes you different.

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Invites the public to participate
Make sure your storytelling invites your audience to become part of the story you are telling.

Make them feel included, so that they not only identify with your message but also want to contribute with their comments and points of view.
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