The word ecosystem comes from nature and refers to various living beings that interact with each other, are interdependent and develop around the same environment. A clear example is the video published by Sustainable Man , which uses images to help us understand how whales affect the climate or how the introduction of wolves allows the course of rivers to change.
Understanding an ecosystem as a living system that is interrelated with other actors and that these protagonists are interdependent. In other words, small actions by each one have a direct and indirect impact on people or organizations, which allows us to understand how the business world can function under a more collaborative logic. Small contributions in business areas can have a large impact on the future of that enterprise.
that a small support can have at different stages of a business, whether through training, mentoring, access to credit and new marketing channels, which can have an impact on people's lives, whether due to the benefits of the product or service offered.
Understanding this diversity allows you to see where potential alliances are and when to start collaborating in the market. In this way, a collaborative approach allows you to grow faster, have more alliances, more financing, improve business results and increase your impact. It is key to understand the entrepreneurial ecosystem relatively well in order to know when and with whom to collaborate so as not to lose your chips before entering.
What are the benefits that the entrepreneurial ecosystem allows access to?
Based on an in-depth review, carried out by the Simón de Cirene team , related to the korea whatsapp number Chilean entrepreneurship ecosystem in the digital world:
Entrepreneurship management training: Workshops on various topics relevant to a traditional business, such as tax, accounting, cash flow, pricing, finance and business management issues.
Innovation training: These correspond to innovation workshops, incubators and accelerators associated with initiatives with a strong innovation component.

Mentoring: Personalized support from a mentor who is an expert in entrepreneurship or in a topic relevant to the business.
Legal advice: 1-on-1 support in legal matters.
Public policy: Focused on generating information for research or public policy
Business consulting: They provide services to companies, whether it be project management, consulting, or open innovation.
Networks or linkages: They offer within their value proposition the ability to link their beneficiaries with the ecosystem or generate networks.
Financing: They offer financial resources free of debt or equity.
Investment and internationalization: They offer support to raise investment or internationalize your business within their proposal.
Technical and commercial advice: 1-on-1 support from an executive on commercial or technical business issues.
International fairs: Access for entrepreneurs in Chile to participate in fairs abroad
Softlanding: They offer services to foreign companies to do a softlanding (process of entering a new market) in Chile or to companies in Chile to do a softlanding abroad.
Business meetings: Events where entrepreneurs are invited to meet with investors or potential clients or allies.
Advisory boards: Formation of a group of experts that provide specific support to a business.
Outreach: Supports the outreach of the businesses you support.
Technological services: offers technological platforms to its ventures that support, for example, AWS, management software.
New marketing channels: Provides access to new channels to sell your products, whether online or physically.
Access to credit: Focused on facilitating access to credit for entrepreneurship and businesses.
Community: Formation of a community of entrepreneurs who support each other, share learning and good practices.
Within an entrepreneurial ecosystem, it is generally possible to identify five sectors that play an important role, called “The Quintuple Helix”: Entrepreneurs, public sector, private sector, civil society and academia. Each of these sectors plays an important role in the path of entrepreneurship.