Investing in advertising campaigns can be extremely successful and bring a very good return in terms of business, however, like all investments, it needs to be closely monitored.
In the advertising industry, it is also vitally important to carefully monitor the investment made in the campaign. In other words, to know whether the ads were broadcast on the contracted channels or vehicles, at the chosen times and programs.
When the chosen vehicle is radio, which is the preferred channel for around 83% of the population , the chances of success are high, but this does not eliminate the need to monitor the execution and feedback.
We call this monitoring process media checking, and it ensures that we have control over the campaign's broadcasts, checking the number of publications in different media, the time and schedule of exposure on radio and TV.
In order to carry out this monitoring philippines phone lookup it is essential to have data to support the analyses, and this data, when properly processed, supplies a complete database with extremely important strategic information, which allows the client and their agency to evaluate the quality and effectiveness of their advertising campaign, and the return on investment made.
Media Checking: new ways to monitor a campaign
With the advancement of technological tools, it is now possible to have help to carry out this task. Audiency was created precisely to solve an eternal “headache” for advertisers when it comes to proving the execution of advertising campaigns .

A startup from Santa Catarina with a complete platform that not only monitors the entire execution of a campaign, but also distributes spots, makes contact to verify the correct execution and much more. Best of all, the client monitors everything via login and password, on a PC, tablet or smartphone.
Practicality and simplicity
In a simple and intuitive way, subscribers can quickly see and monitor the performance of their ads in simplified reports by broadcasters, times and schedules, in addition to monitoring the distribution of spots and monitoring all broadcasts, all in real time, with the instant generation of management reports or media checking at the end of a campaign.
All monitoring is carried out for clients in two ways: General, where all material broadcasts (spots) are monitored and managed by the client, and the other way is where the Insertion Order (PI) registered in the system is monitored by the Audiency team for contact and reimbursement.
Audiency Solutions for Broadcasters and Advertisers
The monitoring dashboard allows advertising supervision to be carried out proactively, in addition to helping identify problems at the exact moment they occur, facilitating communication between broadcasters and advertisers. Check out the supermarket chain 's case study and get inspired.
For registered broadcasters, it is easy to receive spots, provide reports, make adjustments and prove the effectiveness of the reach. For agencies, it is a complete solution for an overview of the campaign and the security of accountability to the client with checking from a platform specialized in managing data from radio stations.
By working in real time, the platform collects, processes and stores data that enables an analysis of everything that is broadcast on thousands of radio stations in Brazil and 18 other countries.
Do you need to optimize your work, generate more results and have control over your radio advertising in the palm of your hand? Yes, you can also benefit from this essential tool for advertisers.