Make sure your customer support team speaks English and is fluent in it.
It is also important that the response time is adjusted to US time zones.
Finally, make sure your customers are always happy.
You need to have them on your side, as word of mouth can quickly spread poor customer service and destroy your reputation before it even starts.
Andrew Youderian
Andrew Youderian
Founder of
My country, the United States, is second in terms of e-commerce sales, which means you can access a huge amount of consumers and great opportunities for sellers who target specific niches.
With this huge number of consumers and a maturing landscape, competition is getting fiercer year after year.
Moreover, Amazon has emerged as the default destination that everyone trusts to purchase popular products.
While until relatively recently you could survive by reselling other people's products, the future belongs to those companies with strong brands and/or their own products.
Without these two things, it will be very difficult to differentiate yourself from the rest and build a wall that keeps competitors away from your turf.
My favorite companies in the e-commerce sector are those that have a great personality and a unique product.
For example, ManCrates.
This company sells gifts for men that are delivered in wooden boxes that can only be code phone number philippines opened with a crowbar (which is, of course, included in the delivery).
They have had enormous success thanks to their special sense of humor.
In addition, of course, to having solved a common problem, that of finding what to give the men in your life that isn't a tie!
International ecommerce - Australia
Rhys Furner
Rhys Furner
t Shopify Plus (APAC)
The Asia-Pacific region, in general, has experienced a significant boom in the e-commerce sector over the last ten years.
For Australia in particular, online sales in 2017 reached 32 million Australian dollars.
This makes Australia one of the top ten countries in the world for online sales.
As for the future, Australia has all the ingredients needed to continue on the right path for e-commerce: 85% of the population has access to the internet, there are 12.1 million social media users, 19.4 million mobile phone users and a per capita income of AU$88,000 per year, plus an urban population of 89%.
Australian consumers are well connected, relatable and have easy access to products.
While Australia is very active in the e-commerce sector, market size can be a limiting factor.
The population is only 24 million people, so companies that want to succeed in our country must set their sights on the foreign market long before they run out of potential customers.
While this provides a great opportunity for Australian businesses, it also means an even steeper learning curve.
This steep learning curve is due to the fact that many e-commerce companies do not focus on specific things.
An e-commerce business must work on its brand. It is not just about selling products, it is about selling a lifestyle that the products allow access to.