If you realize that the graph draws a regular curve,

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If you realize that the graph draws a regular curve,

Post by shaown »

As Weisman explains, this works to help you tell the hungary phone number tool what you actually want to see in user searches, eliminating what we might call background noise. For example, by using quotation marks, you tell Google Trends that you don’t want it to show you every time the terms you’re looking for details on are used in a search, but rather the number of times they’re used as the only search .

This helps narrow down the field , especially if you are looking for those long tail keywords that are very important and can help you really find your users and potential customers. To find out their usefulness, just do the same search with and without quotes and compare the results.

Using the plus sign tells the tool that you want to know the times the terms you are focusing on are used in an alternative way while the minus sign helps you to exclude the times a search term is accompanied by a specific other search term. The plus sign is the one that always produces the results with the highest search volume , and this is something to take into account: it is clear that taking into account all the searches for one and the other term the total volume increases.

An interesting trick to put into practice is to use Google Trends also in multilingual searches . Weisman gives the example of the Japanese word for cat and the fact that, if the term is used in Japanese, the search volume clearly focuses on the times in which that specific term is used. To have a more general view, you can use the plus sign by adding the generic term cat . Searching in different languages ​​is very useful for the content of a multilingual site .

The second tip is instead entrusted to Daniel Waisberg and concerns the way in which it is possible to create advanced comparison systems. To find out, for example, whether or not a keyword you want to work on has a seasonal interest, in addition to searching with the default settings, try changing the period of time for which you want the search volumes to be indicated .

it is clear that you are faced with a seasonal search key that has a peak period, which you can then analyze, and periods in which the search volume drops enormously. This is an important indicator for building your content and for giving users what they are looking for and when they are looking for it .

But in addition to understanding whether a search term is seasonal, you also need to know whether it is still relevant . To do this, you can compare the exact same search terms by changing the settings so that the period taken into consideration for the search terms that are compared with the first one concerns the previous year or two previous years and so on.
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