Offering quality training has become an important HR tool, as they are responsible for training, educating and guiding both new and existing employees of the company.
Being aware of changes and making adaptations is necessary for all sectors of all companies. It is necessary to evolve through the resources and facilities that technology offers with its advancement.
When it comes to corporate training, it is an essential role for HR to keep up with trends and make learning available in formats that aim to engage employees on learning platforms.
A company that does not invest in technological resources when providing learning tends to make an investment with low – or no – return.
Imagine today, in a digital world, especially during the japan email list pandemic, a company that sends printed handouts by mail for employees to read and learn. This practice would be obsolete today, with low adoption rates and low results.
HR must always be aware of what technologies can offer for the evolution of distance learning training. Keep reading!
Importance of learning experience with personalized training
To engage employees in corporate training, they must first recognize the relevance and value of this practice offered by the company, as it is a benefit that they will obtain not only to apply in the company in which they work, but to evolve in their career.
For this to happen, the content needs to be personalized and not something that the user can access anywhere else.
Today, platforms offer several tools for personalizing training, such as customization of appearance and functionality; integration with other company systems; use of interactive resources in content and gamification.
Content is the main element, so it needs to fulfill an objective, which must be determined according to the needs of each team or the company as a whole.
Therefore, some factors that must be considered when developing personalized training are:
Objective. All training involves investment, so there must be one or more objectives to be achieved, as this is the only way to analyze its effectiveness after its implementation.
Audience. Understand who will be participating in the training, identify their needs and difficulties. Another good suggestion is to interview people to understand what they expect from corporate training. This way, the content will be much more assertive.
Format. Consider the characteristics of the audience from the previous topic to assess which format best meets their needs, so that the training is easily accessible and intuitive for everyone.
Measurement. Evaluate how the results will be measured and what action plans HR can implement based on these results.
But for all this to come to fruition, it is important to know and invest in tools and technologies that enable these trainings to be carried out.
The importance of technology in corporate training
As we have seen so far, it is extremely important to make corporate training available assertively in order to obtain a return on this investment, which is why investing in technologies and tools is essential to ensure that the content reaches the right audience in the right way, at the right time.
More than that, in order to have an action plan to identify failures and to contribute to employees' career plans based on training results, there needs to be technology capable of supporting the entire system and also generating reports with relevant data about the platform.
The system needs to be intuitive, capable of providing answers and guiding the employee on the learning journey. Offering modern solutions, a safe virtual environment, interactive resources and practical tools are some of the features that technology can bring to virtual learning environments.
But that's not all, the evolution journey can include many other resources that accompany the progress of the company that provides training.
Meet Lumina! Lumina is Kaptiva's customizable e-learning training tool, ideal for getting your project off the ground! With 3 LMS platform systems, there's always one that's right for your company at the right time. Talk to one of our experts.