Through A Browser I Have

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Through A Browser I Have

Post by AnamikaSA60 »

I recommend checking when having performance issues when compiling a projectsolution Note I will continue to add to this list as I hear about new tips so check back from time to time 1 Beware of Virus Checkers SpyBots and SearchIndexing Tools VS accesses the file system frequently apparently every time it compiles it needs to reparse any files that have changed in a project. One problem Ive seen a number of people. Report is when virus scanners spybot detection programs or desktop. Search indexing tools monitor a directory containing a project too closely because they constantly change the timestamps.

Of the files. They dont change the contents of the files but they do change the last access belize mobile phone number list which VS uses. This can create a pattern where you make a change to a file rebuild and then in the background the virussearch tool goes in researcheschecks the file and marks it as changed causing VS to recompile it. If you see build performance problems check to see if this is the problem. And consider disabling other programs from scanning the directory youre. Working in. Ive also seen reports of certain spybot tools causing VS to be extremely slow when.

Debugging so you might want to check if your problem is with those tools as well. 2 Turn off AutoToolboxPopulate in Windows Forms Designer options There is an option in VS 2005 that will cause VS to automatically load any controls compiled as part of your solution into the toolbox. This is a very useful feature when developing controls because VS will automatically update them when you compile. But I have seen several. Reports that this option causes VS to take a very. Long time to compile almost freeze in some cases. Note that this applies to both Windows Forms.
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