But does not use social media and technology to interact with the customer on a daily basis, such as a CRM, then it is not faithful to the proposed culture. Instead, it looks like an environment that is averse to innovation in everyday life. So, the organizational culture is not defined only by what the company preaches in its manuals and values, but what it exercises in daily life, with employees, managers, customers, suppliers and society in general.
Why is organizational culture so important? Human resource management is one of the most important hotels and motels email list aspects of a company, but also the most difficult to manage. The goal of organizational culture is to assist in these processes, directing internal relations and allowing employees to follow a common path. Thus, it must be seen by managers as a resource that contributes to achieving the established goals, both for the teams and for the business as a whole.
If a company aims to be at the forefront of its industry, for example, it must innovate, take risks and provide conditions for these changes to take place based on everyday values. By making strategies, branding and process transformations feasible, the organizational culture affects everyone involved, from the employees themselves to external agents who interact with the brand, such as suppliers and clients. A misalignment between the proposal and reality makes it more difficult to reach the business goals, as the actions carried out daily go against what the company proposes.