If the business slang (and jargon) in your inbox

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If the business slang (and jargon) in your inbox

Post by zihadhosenjm90 »

If the business slang (and jargon) in your inbox, from your clients, co-workers, or even your boss is starting to look more and more like the sender just bashed their head on the keyboard a few times, you’re not alone…

Millennials, like every generation, have their quirks (I should know).

101 Business Slang Terms, Abbreviations, Acronyms and Jargon Millennials Use in the Workplace
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Brought on by faster and more efficient communication czech republic phone number database than ever, business slang, jargon, abbreviations, and acronyms are beginning to dominate the conversation these days—especially in certain industries. (Looking at all you mindful startups, finance companies, PR & advertising firms.)

With millennials growing to occupy the largest share of the workforce, our communication style is spreading faster than ever.

With all the business slang, jargon, abbreviations, and acronyms, comes more efficient (and possibly more fun) communication, but it can suck if you’re out of the loop. Just don’t discount them yet, PLZ.

Now, TBH if YDK WTF I’m saying here so far, hopefully this list will help you figure it TF out. YW, EOM.

Here’s a massive list of all the business slang, jargon, abbreviations, and acronyms I’ve compiled from interviewing dozens of millennials in various different fields—broken down and separated by industry.

Everyday Business Slang, Jargon, Acronyms and Abbreviations
This business slang dictionary will help you figure out WTF is going on in your Slack channels at work.

The business jargon and acronyms in this section are mostly just abbreviations for words and phrases many of us use on a regular basis. You’re going to enjoy all the time you save by cutting down on those needless letters!

Want to save time in the office? Check out this business slang and jargon dictionary.
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1. HBTY: Happy Birthday to You.
Let’s say it’s Johnny’s birthday in the office today and you’re in a rush. Fire off a quick HBTY over Slack and you’re done—congratulations, you just saved yourself 3 seconds of typing.

2. LBH: Let’s Be Honest.
Think your current project is going off the rails? Get everyone on the same page and preface it with a quick LBH. As in, LBH, the talking baby chat bot feature is a stupid idea.

3. TBH: To Be Honest.
If you have a shirt that says “I’m not an asshole, I’m just honest…” then this will be your favorite on the list. Try starting your needlessly harsh critique with a TBH and cross your fingers that they’ll appreciate the honesty (and not call on your least favorite acronym: HR).

4. NBD: No Big Deal.
Your boss wants you to take on all the projects from the guy who just quit with no extra pay? And get them done in half the time? With no overtime? NBD. Really, it’s NBD… right?!
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