The information whistleblowers provide must lead to a successful recovery in order for them to receive an individual award. Qui tam whistleblower awards typically range from between 15 to 30% of the total settlement.
How to File a Qui Tam Claim
The Department of Justice recommends consulting list of spain whatsapp phone numbers with a qui tam lawyer before attempting to file your claim, because of the many important procedural requirements involved.
Under Section 3730(b)(2) of the False Claims Act, whistleblowers are required to file a disclosure statement which must be kept confidential in order to afford the federal government the opportunity to decide whether or not they will partake in the case. The disclosure statement may involve a summary of all of the elements of your proof as a whistleblower, as well as substantive legal arguments in support of your claim. It will be filed with the Department of Justice and the appropriate government agency and will be kept under seal for at least 60 days, unless an extension is sought.
Seek legal counsel from a qui tam lawyer for help understanding what kinds of proof will be considered compelling evidence of fraud as well as how to gather, assemble, and present the strongest possible case to federal investigators. A False Claims Act qui tam attorney can take the challenges of preparing your disclosure statement off of your shoulders, as well as ensure that the evidence you have assembled is admissible under state and federal law.