CRM initiatives as a strategy for significant improvement in services by solidifying satisfaction

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CRM initiatives as a strategy for significant improvement in services by solidifying satisfaction

Post by nishat695 »

In practice, many see CRM as merely a technology for improving customer service which may lead to a failure when implementing it. CRM initiatives must be seen as a strategy for significant improvement in services by solidifying satisfaction, loyalty and advocacy through information and communication technology. As such, matters pertaining related to people such as customer behaviours, culture transformation, personal agendas, and new interactions between individuals and group must be incorporated into CRM initiatives. The organisation need to understand that behaviours and expectations of customers (patients in healthcare organisations, participants in NDIS, people living in aged care facilities are residents) which continue to change over time. Consequently, CRM must address the dynamic nature of patients’ needs and hence adjustments strategies embedded in CRM are required.

Greenberg (2009) defined CRM as a philosophy estonia phone numbers and a business strategy supported by a system and a technology designed to improve human interactions in a business environment. It is an operational, transactional approach to customer management focusing around the customer-facing departments, sales, marketing and customer service.

CRM has evolved people, processes, and contents which transform from customer management to customer engagement. That is more focused on the conversation that is going on between healthcare-patient and patients-others. Web 2.0, which play a significant part in the CRM transformation drives social change that impacts all institution including business and healthcare organisations. It is a revolution on how people communicate. It facilitates peer-to-peer collaboration and easy access to real-time communication. Because much of the communication transition is organised around web-based technologies, it is called Web 2.0. Patients participate in this social network can share information about their diagnoses, medications, healthcare experiences, and other information. It is often in the form of unstructured communication which can provide new insights for people involved in the management of health status and chronic care conditions.
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