Purchasing decision-making process example

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Purchasing decision-making process example

Post by Akahs47 »

Customer decision makers are not product or service professionals either, so they narrow down their purchasing options by comparing costs, features, reliability, etc. from a bird's-eye perspective before finalizing their purchase.

If there is brand recognition at this time, it has the effect of netherlands email list providers simplifying decision-making, such as "It's not inferior to other products, so even though it's a little more expensive, I'll go with them," or "I often hear of Company A when it comes to ○○, so I'll go with them."

3. Reasons for choosing us and added value
Brand favorability and trust make a brand less vulnerable to market competition and
allow a company to offer a slight premium (added value) on its selling prices.

Let me give an example from a consumer's perspective.
Imagine two coffee chains, Company A and Company B.
Company A is an ordinary coffee chain located near train stations. Company
B is a coffee chain that has stores near train stations, but in slightly more fashionable areas, and focuses on creating a good atmosphere and customer service.

When customers feel a sense of favorability and trust in the brand, thinking, "I want to drink Company B's Frappuccino after all," in response to the value provided to them (products, atmosphere, self-affirmation, etc.), they will make the effort to make a purchase even if the price is a little high or the store is a little far from the station. This becomes the reason why the brand is chosen and the added value.
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