Even the most popular messenger has its own inconvenience-causing nuances. Many WhatsApp users find themselves in a difficult situation when they don’t know how to write to a person in WhatsApp who is not in their contact book, to an unknown number. No one wants to clutter up their phone’s memory with contacts of stores, flea market sellers, when searching for rental housing, interviews, or for one-time calls.
If you encounter such an inconvenience, we will tell you what to do to write to an unknown number without adding it to your contacts. We offer four options for solving the problem.
1. Browser
To use this method, WhatsApp must be installed on your smartphone.
By default, any smartphone should have a browser. Open the one you are used to to write to an unknown number.
— Copy this link:
— Launch your browser
— Place the cursor in the address bar (the field where the name of the site is written)
— Paste the copied link. Instead of X's, enter the phone number russia mobile number with the code without the plus. For Russia, this is 7, Belarus — 375, Ukraine — 38.
- Press the magnifying glass, enter - to start searching by link
— A window for sending a message to WhatsApp will open. You will see a light green button “Go to chat”. Click on it.
— You will be redirected to a chat with the user of this phone number. In this case, the unknown number will not be saved in the contact book of your smartphone.
You don't have to remember the whole link. Just save it in your phone's address book.
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2. Applications
Some people find it easier to install an additional application than to clean out their address book. We offer a selection of applications for working with WhatsApp, which will allow you to send messages to unknown numbers. It is easy to find and install programs through the Google Play market:
— Click to chat
— Direct Message for WhatsApp
— Easy Message
Launch the application. Enter the stranger's phone number. The program will offer to launch WhatsApp. Now you can write off.
3. Write on the big Internet
Some models and series of the Android operating system have an option to go to chat when you click on a number on the site. Click and chat.
4. Online services
Similar sites exist for different functions - downloading, anonymous viewing, etc. Including writing to an unknown contact on WhatsApp.
Open the service and enter the unknown number in the provided field.
You will be transferred to a chat with the user.
Service options:
— Whatsapp Quick Messages
— Whapp.info
How to write in Whats App without adding the number to contacts
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- Joined: Mon Dec 23, 2024 3:57 am