Customer service on social media has been a topic of many doubts. After all, with the increasingly frequent use of social media and apps like WhatsApp, the vast majority of consumers have migrated to these communication channels. As a result, the priority now is to interact with brands, complain and ask questions through Facebook or Instagram.
But don't be fooled into thinking that just because we're talking about social media, this type of service is easier or shouldn't be taken so seriously. Often, the lack of professionalism of some companies to serve these customers is leading to irreparable losses.
Could this be your case? Here’s why you might be doing social media customer service wrong:
1 – Social media support is not a company priority
When we have a small structure, it is common for professionals to accumulate functions. And, therefore, they need to prioritize tasks.
Therefore, one of the biggest mistakes when it comes to SAC is canada telephone number the fact that customer service on social media is way down on this list.
Do you prioritize phone and email contacts and only check social media when you have free time? Be aware that this could be damaging your company's image.
On social media, comments can be left open and shared. Therefore, failing to show that the company is attentive or does not interact with customers can turn into a huge image crisis.
2 – Customer service on social media is not qualified
Worse than not prioritizing complaints on social media is not taking customers seriously just because they are on that channel.
Customer service on social media should be taken as seriously as, if not more seriously than, the company’s other activities. After all, no company can survive without customers, right?
To do this, you need to have qualified people to respond to customers through these networks. And when we say qualified, that doesn't mean you can just call on that nephew who has a thousand friends on Facebook to help.
The professional responsible for customer service on social media must have knowledge of the company's tools, processes and products. And most importantly, they must be able to deal with customers and solve problems in a friendly manner.
Furthermore, it is important that this person has some knowledge of crisis management . This is because avoiding crises on social media is the best way to combat them. And, often, people without this type of knowledge end up triggering a flood of negative reviews without meaning to.
3 – There are no service processes
No customer service will be effective if the company does not have very well-structured internal processes . And this rule applies regardless of the channel in which the activity is carried out.
What is the procedure and requirements for exchanging products? How does the company act in the event of manufacturing errors or defects? What customer data should the person responsible for customer service have?
These are just some examples of the questions your company should ask when structuring customer service on social media.