On the throne of the marketing department

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On the throne of the marketing department

Post by Irfanabdulla1111 »

Since the series premiered in 2011, thousands of people have imagined themselves living in the world of the Seven Kingdoms.

But what if it were the other way around?

In a brainstorming session, the French SEMrush team imagined what life would be like for John Snow, Tyrion Lannister, Daenerys Targaryen and other fictional characters as employees of a marketing department.

We wanted to highlight the parallels between the personalities of Game of Thrones and the different positions in a marketing team.

In addition, we wanted to see how the characters and their corresponding roles as digital marketing professionals could use SEMrush tools in their daily lives.

Newsjacking - Game of Thrones & Marketing Department
The infographic was initially created in French and promoted on social media and other outlets in July 2017 to celebrate 10 million views of the first episode of the new season.

Later, after achieving massive social engagement, it was translated into English.

Newsjacking - Infographic Game of Thrones and the Marketing Department
1,200 times shared on social networks.

Publication in one of the most important media in France webmarketing-com.com (with a traffic of approximately 200,000 users)

Another 10 republishings in the media.

Lessons learned:
Sometimes experiments bring you much more than you expect.

When we thought about which medium we would publish the infographic on, we thought it didn't fit on our blog.

But after seeing the reaction, we realized that sometimes, less serious content can achieve very high engagement rates and provide value.

In fact, posting it on an external source deprived me of a good amount of my own traffic.

Lesson learned, we haven't made the same mistake again and this time we've turned the infographic into a quiz, so you can find out who you would be in the digital marketing game!

Ice PR and Fire PR
Public relations is probably the area where newsjacking works best.

Since 2017, we have published dozens of studies on all aspects of Game of Thrones: the most watched season, the houses, the hero of the series, the related searches and the most popular questions, all of them based on SEMrush data, obviously.

In addition, we have analyzed the most popular hashtags and emojis that usually accompany episodes on social networks.

More than 40 republications in major media outlets in different countries, including the USA, email database lists canada England and Brazil (the last mention has come from Express.co.uk).

The cumulative traffic from these media reaches 20 million monthly visitors.
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